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Distance and online Language Courses with Teacher

Get in touch with us!

Markus has visited 7 language schools worldwide

 +49 234 687098-0
Mon - Fri: 3am - 1pm

Online language courses via video conference with teachers are independent of time zones and locations. The learning effect and methods for group or individual online language courses are the same as for a face-to-face language course. For example, you can take part in a language course in a video conference in another country online and live with a teacher after work in your time zone.

Distance language courses Spain

2 language schools

Distance language courses France

one language school

Our most popular language courses

Standard Course
Standard Course
Ecole France Langue Paris (Paris, France)
Intensive Course
Intensive Course
Colon Fremdspracheninstitut (Hamburg, Germany)
Standard Course
Standard Course
Linguaschools Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain)
Get in touch with us!

Markus has visited 7 language schools worldwide

 +49 234 687098-0
Mon - Fri: 3am - 1pm
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15 years of experience and over 50,000 customers 15 years of experience and over 50,000 customers
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Maria has visited 47 language schools worldwide
Secure and safe payment options in your home country Secure and safe payment options in your home country
15 years of experience and over 50,000 customers 15 years of experience and over 50,000 customers
Prevent foreign exchange rate fluctuations Prevent foreign exchange rate fluctuations
Payment without transfer fees Payment without transfer fees