Language courses in Lisbon
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Your language cours in Lisbon
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Language courses in Lisbon

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Maria Elena has visited 51 language schools worldwide

 +49 234 687098-0
Mon - Fri: 3am - 1pm

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Anna- Lena is one of the 9 Linguland travel experts and has been a member of our family since 02/2015

Mon - Fri: 3am - 1pm

Our most popular language course in Lisbon

Language schools Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon at a glance

  • Population
  • 499.700
  • Area
  • 84,00
  • Currency

Climate and weather

  • Max temperatures Apr-Sept
  • 20 up to 27 °C
  • Max temperatures Oct-March
  • 22 up to 19 °C
  • Climate Zone
  • Mediterranean
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Courses in Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon, the impressive Portugese metropolis, lies picturesquely on the right bank of the River Tagus. There is a special natural phenomenon in Lisbon and that is the wonderful clear sunlight that conjures a smile on peoples faces and has often inspired writers and photographers. Lisbon is a city with many faces: On the one hand you can find narrow lanes and old houses of sandstone that contribute to the charm of this Mediterranean capital, on the other hand you can find impressive modern architecture especially on the EXPO grounds that even surprises non-architects. Its fun to go out in Lisbon. Not only the locals sit outside the numerous pubs and enjoy a glass of red wine at sunset but also the tourists from all age groups. If youre after a more exciting time you can either go to the pubs and enjoy a glass of red wine at sunset but also the tourists from all age groups. If youre after a more exciting time you can either go to the pubs and clubs near the river as the local teenagers do or to the Bairro Alto where you can also have a good time. We hope you have fun with your language course in Lisbon! Lisbon, the impressive Portugese metropolis, lies picturesquely on the right bank of the River Tagus. There is a special natural phenomenon in Lisbon and that is the wonderful clear sunlight that conjures a smile on peoples faces and has often inspired writers and photographers. Lisbon is a city with many faces: On the one hand you can find narrow lanes and old houses of sandstone that contribute to the charm of this Mediterranean capital, on the other hand you can find impressive modern architecture especially on the EXPO grounds that even surprises non-architects. Its fun to go out in Lisbon. Not only the locals sit outside the numerous pubs and enjoy a glass of red wine at sunset but also the tourists from all age groups. If youre after a more exciting time you can either go to the pubs and enjoy a glass of red wine at sunset but also the tourists from all age groups. If youre after a more exciting time you can either go to the pubs and clubs near the river as the local teenagers do or to the Bairro Alto where you can also have a good time. We hope you have fun with your language course in Lisbon!

Courses in Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon, the impressive Portugese metropolis, lies picturesquely on the right bank of the River Tagus. There is a special natural phenomenon in Lisbon and that is the wonderful clear sunlight that conjures a smile on peoples faces and has often inspired writers and photographers. Lisbon is a city with many faces: On the one hand you can find narrow lanes and old houses of sandstone that contribute to the charm of this Mediterranean capital, on the other hand you can find impressive modern architecture especially on the EXPO grounds that even surprises non-architects. Its fun to go out in Lisbon . Not only the locals sit outside the numerous pubs and enjoy a glass of red wine at sunset but also the tourists from all age groups. If youre after a more exciting time you can either go to the pubs and enjoy a glass of red wine at sunset but also the tourists from all age groups. If youre after a more exciting time you can either go to the pubs and clubs near the river as the local teenagers do or to the Bairro Alto where you can also have a good time. We hope you have fun with your language course in Lisbon! Lisbon, the impressive Portugese metropolis, lies picturesquely on the right bank of the River Tagus. There is a special natural phenomenon in Lisbon and that is the wonderful clear sunlight that conjures a smile on peoples faces and has often inspired writers and photographers. Lisbon is a city with many faces: On the one hand you can find narrow lanes and old houses of sandstone that contribute to the charm of this Mediterranean capital, on the other hand you can find impressive modern architecture especially on the EXPO grounds that even surprises non-architects. Its fun to go out in Lisbon. Not only the locals sit outside the numerous pubs and enjoy a glass of red wine at sunset but also the tourists from all age groups. If youre after a more exciting time you can either go to the pubs and enjoy a glass of red wine at sunset but also the tourists from all age groups. If youre after a more exciting time you can either go to the pubs and clubs near the river as the local teenagers do or to the Bairro Alto where you can also have a good time. We hope you have fun with your language course in Lisbon!
Language schools in 1 cities in Portugal
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